Hesperian Health Guides
An enormous number of people contributed time, ideas, suggestions, and critical information, hosted and guided us as we visited projects around the world, and offered vision, inspiration, and support. For making this book possible, we thank
Hilary Abell Al-Hassan Adam Ferrial Adam Anu Agarwal Ravi Agarwal Brahm Ahmadi Azuibuke Akaba Ndong Joseph Fuoh Gene Gallegos Linthoin Gambi Karen Garfinkle Anna Garwood Carmelo Gendrano Ginger Gibson Cecilia Allen Laura Allen Marceline Almojera Miguel Altieri Anton Alvarez Ingvar Andersson Annu Cesar Añorve Patrick Apoya Shobha Arole Francisco Arroyo Oral Atanyazova Shailendra Awale S.A. Azad Christine Bachman Sarita Bahl Catherine Baldi Davis Baltz Rolando Barillas Robin Barr Andrew Kang Bartlett Nnimmo Bassey Shenyu Belsky Peter Berg Wen Bo Asa Bradman Daniel Breneman Lindsey Breslin Ned Breslin Kenny Bruno Jacinto Buenfil Robert Tumwesigye Baganda Roland Bunch Beth Burrows Timothy Byakola Jayakumar C. Alejandra Caballero Francisco Caballero Sandy Cairncross Manny Calonzo Chris Canaday Lyn Capistrano Joy Carlson Andrea Carmen Ryan Case Robert Chambers N.M. Chandrashekar Prabir Chatterjee Eric Chaurette Zafrullah Chowdhury Enrique Cifuentes Tony Clarke Mary Coalter Gary Cohen Carol Colfer Joana N. Cooper Gilles Corcos Ramon Coyle Mr. Daromar Darlena David Gopal Dayaneni Dick de Jong David de Leeuw V. Ramana Dhara Russ Dilts Carol Djeddah Catherine Doe Brock Dolman Amity Doolittle Brendan Doyle |
Valentine Doyle Deepika D’Souza Madhumita Dutta Jorge Emmanuel Robert Engleman Jeroen Ensink Rico Euripidou Ianto Evans Yael Falicov Karl Flecker Shirley FrondaMickey Gimmel Tracy Glynn Lisa Goldman Chris Graecen Nelly Gram Liza Grandia Reuben Granich Kristen Graser Abebe Gulma Cheryl Hackworth Ross Hagan Robert Hamm Eva Harris Alden Henderson Jennifer Hinton Wilbur Hoff Philan Horo Robert Hrubes O. O. Imediegwu Aviva Imhof Regina P. Ingente Gloria Iñíguez Balu Iyer Sarah Janssen Selene Jaramillo Ravi Jayakaran Nityanand Jayaraman Harry Jeene Manas Jena Matt Jeschke Apolonio Jiménez Tunkaminyire John Paul Joicey David Kaimowitz Bhanumathi Kallurim Dennis Kalson Rachel Kamande Laila Iskandar Kamel Vijay Kanhere Assetou Kanoute Nalini Kant Godfrey Kasozi Susan Kegley Christie Keith Kate Kelly Mamta Khanna Sayokl’a Kindness Misa Kishi Eckhard Kleinau Jamie Kneen Ram Babu Koirala Timothy Krupnik Rongping Kuang Dennis Kuklok Satomi Lander Shanna Langdon Denny Larson Allen Lassey Anne Leonard Stephen Lester Ana Leung John Limo Elizabeth Linder Chun Long Jesús Lopez Simone Lovera Art Ludwig Wanjira Maathai James MacNeil Firuzeh Mahmoudi Siti Maimunah Paul Maina Hugh Mainzer Irma Makalinao Kelly Malahy |
Adolfo Maldonado Deepak Malik Gnana Surabhi Mani Shyamala Mani M.A. Mansur Esperanza Martinez Jacqueline MasonJakesh May Kathy McAfee John McCracken Patrick McCully Chris McGahey Toby McGrath Sandy McGunegill Anne McKinnon James McNeil Glenn McRae Nicola Meares Regula Meierhofer Hanna Melnitsky Atutambire Melone Sonia Mendoza Gustavo Merten Leslie Minot Zini Mokhine Kalia Moldogazieva Robert Mollel Rita Monroy Julio Monsalvo Alicia Montoya Roger Moody Monica Moore Robert Moran Peter Morgan Marion Moses Cynthia Muang Santos Nelida Murga-Gutierrez Catherine Murphy Innosanto Nagara Anil Naidoo Shibu Nair Pratep Nayak Joseph Ndong Ashley Nelsen Kara Nelson Margaret Nelson Dan Nepstad Gila Neta Nguyen Ngoc Nga Lisa Nichols Sherri Norris Ms. Meher Noshirwani Mrs. Nyirenda Mae Ocampo Odigha Odigha Elly Ongola Ogweno C. Obichukwu Onwudiwe George Odindo Opiyo Peter Orris Rikki Ott Erlinda Palaganas Cindy Parker Prashant Pastore Bobby Peek Rebecca Perlmutter Valentin Post Dario Proano Leroux L. D. Puranik Rob Quick Romeo Quijano Cresenciano G. Quintos Ausaf Rahman Narendra Rana Y.E.C. Ratsma Ravi Rebbapragada D. Narasimha Reddy Margaret Reeves Diana Reiss-Koncar Bastu Rege Pallavi Rege Sarojeni Rengam Maggie Robbins |
Kim Rodrigues Mario Rodríguez Marni Rosen Rob Rosenfeld Fred Rosensweig Andrea Rother Rosario Rubio Ram Charitra Sah Alberto Saldamando Payal Sampat Flavio Santi Rafael Santi Jorge Santiago Santiago Feliciano dos Santos Satinath Sarangi Atanu Sarkar Alicia Sawyer Ron Sawyer Anne Scheinberg Alexa Schirtzinger Steve Scholl Buckwald Cassandra Scott Briony Seoane Shalini Shah Sarah Shamos Devinder Sharma Lonny Shavelson Ang Rita Sherpa Bob Shimeck Mira Shiva Marco Simons Ratna Singh Subrat Kumar Singh Jo Smet Kirk Smith David Sohail Gina Solomon Kevin Starr Dean Still Ginés Suarez Sally Sutton Brent Swallow Susan Sykes Rhoda Bafowna Takyi Fe Tan-Cebrian Anelle Taylor Michael Terry Abou Thiam Kalindi Thomas Felix Thomson Beverly Thorpe Hope Traficante Bambi Tran Circe Trevant Mrs. Shashi Tyagi John Urness Nora Urrutia Aditi Vaidya Angel Valencia Arnold van de Klundert Isaac Vanderburg Marcello Veiga Kathleen Vickery Rory Villaluna Yerome Wambura Tom Watson Martin Wegelin Merri Weinger Emily West Andy Whitmore Dave Williamson Monica Wilson Scott Wittet Hannah Wittman Agung Wiyono Cleo Woelfle Erskine Kevin Woods Stephanie Wright Maglo Yao Angelina Zamboni Jeffrey Zayach |
These organizations have been invaluable in supporting the development of this book in many ways
APROVECHO Research Institute, CARE International, Center for Health, Environment, and Justice, Cob Cottage Company, DESMI, Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives (GAIA), HealthCare Without Harm, Indigenous Environmental Network, International Campaign for Justice in Bhopal, International Development Exchange (IDEX), London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Pesticide Action Network, People’s Health Movement, Population Action International, Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH), Project Underground, Public Health International, Sambhavna Trust, SANDEC, Solar Cookers International, Tearfund, WASTE-Netherlands, Water Aid UK, WELL, World Neighbors
We thank the following foundations and individuals for their generosity in financially supporting this project
Arntz Family Foundation, Christensen Fund, Conservation, Food and Health Foundation, Edward S. Moore Foundation, Ersa S. and Alfred C. Arbogast Foundation, Ford Foundation, Goldman Environmental Prize, Grousbeck Family Foundation, Harris and Eliza Kempner Fund, Homeland Foundation, International Foundation, Jenifer Altman Foundation, Laura Jane Musser Fund, Lawson Valentine Foundation, Marisla Foundation, Mitchell Kapor Fund, Moriah Fund, Mulago Foundation, Overbrook Foundation, Panta Rhea Foundation, Public Welfare Foundation, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Solidago Foundation, Summit Foundation, Swedish International Development Agency, The Flora Family Foundation, The Summit Foundation, United Nations Development Program, Unitarian Universalist Service, Water Aid, West Foundation
For help updating the book, we thank
Todd Jailer, Richard Johnston, Jam Willem Rosenboom, Melody Segura, Bjorn Stime, Kathleen Tandy, Dorothy Tegeler